Faint Light in the Distance

Up on the roof, the serenity of the night time draws one to pause at the beauty of some of the stars and imagine the outline of the mountains.

Under a clear evening sky, I see the blinking lights of buildings across the valley. From where I stand, they are faint lights across the distance covered by around two to three towns.

From where I stand, I see myself as a tall and imposing figure ready to take on the evening. I am sure that across the valley, someone else is thinking the same thing. Maybe from where that person stands, I am visible only as something that is big as an ant under the faint light of the moon.

I Read the “Daily Prompt: Ancient” and All I Could Think of was This…

via Daily Prompt: Ancient

…Ancient?  Ancient Aliens!

Oh, oh, oh! Mr. Tsoukalos’ awesome hair!

According to ancient astronaut theorists, he always wakes up looking like this (image from Wikipedia)

Back to regular programming.

Notes from a Dead Man

Life, as the cliched expression goes, is full of ups and downs. One minute you are on top of a hill admiring your handiwork; the next thing you know you see yourself rolling downhill — much faster than how fast you got to the summit.

I would love to believe that old Marlboro ad that said, “It isn’t the number of times you fall down, it’s the number of times you got back on” or something to that effect. I mean, my balls can take another bashing from another ride on a bull or this wild stallion I call my life but I have to admit that it is impossible not to feel tired at some point. The whole effort of picking yourself up and starting again is becoming a pain. Now I find myself scratching my head and asking myself, “What now, dude?”

I felt like I died on the last bull ride I had. I was dead before I fell off, at least in a figurative sense. If it were in the literal sense, this piece would be totally “ghost-written.”

Fuck that. I’m getting back on.


You Thought of Something Gaseous

This is going to be a quickie.

I saw this one as I scrolled down my Facebook newsfeed:


Among guys, a strong gaseous fart solidifies bonds. However, I am not too sure about the proper timing of farts in new couples.

Stalking is Your Day Job (You’re Good at it, too)

If you are actively online (on social networking sites), then it is a resounding “Yes, your day job is stalking.”

Seriously, who does not sneak in a few views on Facebook and Twitter while they are in their offices or at home working? With the convenience of social media, and location tagging, everyone is an instant stalker. Compare that to the dedicated stalkers of an age when stalkers literally stalked their targets, today’s stalker could be at home, scratching his ass, or in the office, stealing a glance away from a spreadsheet.